Difference-in-differences is one of the most common approaches for
identifying and estimating the causal effect of participating in a
treatment on some outcome.
The “canonical” version of DiD involves two periods and two groups.
The untreated group never participates in the treatment, and
the treated group becomes treated in the second period.
However, much applied work deals with cases where there are more than
two time periods and different units can become treated at different
points in time. Regardless of the number of time periods, by far the
leading approach in applied work is to try to estimate the effect of the
treatment using a two-way fixed effects (TWFE) linear regression. This
works great in the case with two periods, but there are a number of
recent methodological papers that suggest that there may be substantial
drawbacks to using TWFE with multiple time periods.
This vignette briefly discusses the emerging literature on DiD with
multiple time periods – both issues with standard approaches as well as
remedies for these potential problems. The did
implements a number of these remedies. A vignette for how to use the
package is available here. The background article for these
vignettes is Callaway and
Sant’Anna (2021), “Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time
To start with, we’ll consider some background material in this
section. First, we’ll discuss DiD with two time periods and two groups –
this is the “canonical” case of DiD. Second, we briefly consider issues
with TWFE linear regressions when there are multiple time periods.
DiD with 2 Periods and 2 Groups
The baseline case for DiD is the one with two periods (let’s call
these periods t and t − 1) and two groups (a treated
group and an untreated group).
Notation / Setup
For s ∈ {t, t − 1},
is unit i’s untreated
potential outcomes – this is the outcome that unit i would experience in period s if they did not
participate in the treatment
For s ∈ {t, t − 1},
is unit i’s treated
potential outcome – this is the outcome that unit i would experience in period s if they did participate
in the treatment.
Set D = 1 for units in
the treated group and D = 0
for units in the untreated group
In the first period, no one participates in the treatment. In the
second period, units in the treated group become treated. This means
that observed outcomes are given by Yit − 1 = Yit − 1(0) and Yit = DiYit(1) + (1 − Di)Yit(0)
In other words, in the first period, we observe untreated potential
outcomes for everyone (there is a no-anticipation assumption built in
here). In the second period, we observe treated potential outcomes for
units that actually participate in the treatment and untreated potential
outcomes for units that do not participate in the treatment.
The main parameter of interest in most DiD designs is the Average
Treatment Effect on the Treated (ATT). It is given by ATT = E[Yt(1) − Yt(0)|D = 1]
This is the difference between treated and untreated potential outcomes,
on average, for units in the treated group.
The main assumption in DiD designs is called the parallel trends
Parallel Trends Assumption
E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|D = 1] = E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1|D = 0]
In words, this assumption says that the change (or “path”) in
outcomes over time that units in the treated group would have
experienced if they had not participated in the treatment is the
same as the path of outcomes that units in the untreated group actually
experienced. The parallel trends assumption allows for the level of
untreated potential outcomes to differ across groups and is consistent
with, for example, fixed effects models for untreated potential outcomes
where the mean of the unobserved fixed effect can be different across
This assumption is potentially useful because the path of untreated
potential outcomes for units in the treated group (the term on the left
in the above equation) is not known, but the researcher does observe the
path of untreated potential outcomes for units in the untreated group
(term on the right in the above equation). In fact, it is
straightforward to show that, under the parallel trends assumption, the
ATT is
identified and given by ATT = E[Yt − Yt − 1|D = 1] − E[Yt − Yt − 1|D = 0]
That is, the ATT is the
difference between the mean change in outcomes over time experienced by
units in the treated group adjusted by the mean change in outcomes over
time experienced by units in the untreated group; the latter term, under
the parallel trends assumption, is what the path of outcomes for units
in the treated group would have been if they had not participated in the
Two way fixed effects regressions
Now let’s move to a more general case where there are 𝒯 total time periods. Denote particular time
periods by t where t = 1, …, 𝒯.
By far the most common approach to trying to estimate the
effect of a binary treatment in this setup is the TWFE linear
regression. This is a regression like Yit = θt + ηi + αDit + vit
where θt
is a time fixed effect, ηi is a unit
fixed effect, Dit is
a treatment dummy variable, vit are
time varying unobservables that are mean independent of everything else,
and α is presumably the
parameter of interest. α is
often interpreted as the average effect of participating in the
Although this is essentially a standard approach in applied work,
there are a number of recent papers that point out potentially severe
drawbacks of using the TWFE estimation procedure. These include:
Borusyak and Jaravel (2018), Goodman-Bacon (2021), de Chaisemartin and
D’Haultfoeuille (2020), and Sun and Abraham (2021).
When will TWFE work?
Effects really aren’t heterogeneous. If the effect of
participating in the treatment really is α for all units, TWFE will work
great. That being said, in many applications, treatment effects are very
likely to be heterogeneous – they may vary across different units or
exhibit dynamics or change across different time periods. In particular
applications, this is worth thinking about, but, at least in our view,
we think that heterogeneous effects of participating in some treatment
is the leading case.
There are only two time periods. This is the canonical case (2
periods, one group becomes treated in the second period, the other is
never treated). In this case, under parallel trends an no-anticipation,
α is going to be numerically
equal to the ATT. In other
words, in this case, even though it looks like you have restricted the
effect of participating in the treatment to be the same across all
units, TWFE exhibits robustness to treatment effect
heterogeneity. Unfortunately, this robustness to treatment effect
heterogeneity does not continue to hold when there are more periods and
groups become treated at different points in time.
Why is TWFE not robust to treatment effect
There are entire papers written about this, see, e.g., Borusyak and
Jaravel (2018), Goodman-Bacon (2021), de Chaisemartin and
D’Haultfoeuille (2020), and Sun and Abraham (2021). But here is the
short version: in a TWFE regression, units whose treatment status
doesn’t change over time serve as the comparison group for units whose
treatment status does change over time. With multiple time periods and
variation of treatment timing, some of these comparisons are:
newly treated units relative to ``never treated’’ units
newly treated units relative to ``not-yet treated’’ units
newly treated units relative to already treated units
The first of these two comparisons are good (or at least in the
spirit of DiD) in that they take the path of outcomes experienced by
units that become treated and adjust it by the path of outcomes
experienced by units that are not participating in the treatment. The
third comparison is different though: it adjusts the path of outcomes
for newly treated units by the path of outcomes for already treated
units. But this is not the path of untreated potential outcomes, it
includes treatment effect dynamics. Thus, these dynamics appear
in α, making it very hard
to give a clear causal interpretation.
And this issue can have potentially severe consequences. For example,
it is possible to come up with examples where the effect of
participating in the treatment is positive for all units in all time
periods, but the TWFE estimation procedure leads to estimating a
negative effect of participating in the treatment. Even in the case
where ``negative weights’’ can be ruled out, α recover a weighted average of
though these weights are hard to interpret.
Treatment Effects in Difference in Differences Designs with Multiple
In light of the potential problems with TWFE regressions in DiD
designs with multiple periods, are there alternative approaches that can
be used in this case?
Yes, and it turns out that it is not all that complicated! It is just
a matter of using the ``good/desirable’’ comparisons between groups
instead of all possible comparisons.
To fix ideas, let’s provide some extended notation and be clear about
the identifying assumptions that we are going to make.
is unit i’s untreated
potential outcome. This is the outcome that unit i would experience in period t if they do not participate in the
is unit i’s potential outcome
in time period t if they
become treated in period g.
is the time period when unit i
becomes treated (often groups are defined by the time period
when a unit becomes treated; hence, the G notation).
is an indicator variable for whether unit i is in a
never-treated group.
Dit is
an indicator variable for whether unit i has been treated by time t.
Yit is
unit i’s observed outcome in
time period t. For units in
the never-treated group, Yit = Yit(0)
in all time periods. For units in other groups, we observe Yit = 1{Gi > t}Yit(0) + 1{Gi ≤ t}Yit(Gi).
The notation here is a bit complicated, but in words, we observe
untreated potential outcomes for units that have not yet participated in
the treatment, and we observe treated potential outcomes for units once
they start to participate in the treatment (and these can depend on
when they became treated). Implicit in this notation there is a
no treatment anticipation assumption, which can be
relaxed as discussed in Callaway and
Sant’Anna (2021), “Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time
vector of pre-treatment covariates.
Main Assumptions
Staggered Treatment Adoption Assumption Recall that
Dit = 1
if a unit i has been treated
by time t and Dit = 0
otherwise. Then, for t = 1, ..., 𝒯 − 1, Dit = 1 ⟹ Dit + 1 = 1.
Staggered treatment adoption implies that once a unit participates in
the treatment, they remain treated. In other words, units do not
“forget” about their treatment experience. This is a leading case in
many applications in economics. For example, it would be the case for
policies that roll out to different locations over some period of time.
It would also be the case for many unit-level treatments that have a
“scarring” effect. For example, in the context of job training, many
applications consider participating in the treatment ever as
defining treatment.
Within the DiD context, we believe it is hard to analyze
non-staggered treatment setups without further
restricting treatment effect heterogeneity across time, groups,
treatment sequences, etc. That is the main reason we focus on this
leading case.
Parallel Trends Assumption based on never-treated
units For all g = 2, ..., 𝒯, t = 2, ..., 𝒯 with t ≥ g, E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|G = g] = E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|C = 1]
This is a natural extension of the parallel trends assumption in the
two periods and two groups case. It says that, in the absence of
treatment, average untreated potential outcomes for the group first
treated in time g and for the
“never treated” group would have followed parallel paths in all
post-treatment periods t ≥ g.
Note that the aforementioned parallel trend assumption rely on using
the ``never treated’’ units as comparison group for all “eventually
treated” groups. This presumes that (i) a (large enough) “never-treated”
group is available in the data, and (ii) these units are “similar
enough” to the eventually treated units such that they can indeed be
used as a valid comparison group. In situations where these conditions
are not satisfied, one can use an alternative parallel trends assumption
that uses the not-yet treated units as valid comparison
Parallel Trends Assumption based on not-yet treated
units For all g = 2, ..., 𝒯, s, t = 2, ..., 𝒯 with t ≥ g and s ≥ t E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|G = g] = E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|Ds = 0, G ≠ g]
In plain English, this assumption states that one can use the
not-yet-treated by time s
(s ≥ t) units as
valid comparison groups when computing the average treatment effect for
the group first treated in time g. In general, this assumption uses
more data when constructing comparison groups. However, as noted in Marcus
and Sant’Anna (2021), this assumption does restrict some
pre-treatment trends across different groups. In other words, there is
no free-lunch.
Group-Time Average Treatment Effects
The above assumptions are natural extensions of the identifying
assumptions in the two periods and two groups case to the multiple
periods case.
Likewise, a natural way to generalize the parameter of interest (the
ATT) from the two periods and two groups case to the multiple periods
case is to define group-time average treatment
ATT(g, t) = E[Yt(g) − Yt(0)|G = g]
This is the average effect of participating in the treatment for
units in group g at time
period t. Notice that when
there are two time periods and two groups (the canonical case), the
average treatment effect on the treated is given by ATT = ATT(g = 2, t = 2).
To give a couple more examples, suppose that a researcher has access
to three time periods. Then, ATT(g = 2, t = 3)
is the average effect of participating in the treatment for the group of
units that become treated in time period 2, in time period 3. Similarly,
ATT(g = 3, t = 3)
is the average effect of participating in the treatment for the group of
units that become treated in time period 3, in time period 3.
Identification of Group-Time Average Treatment
Under either version of the parallel trends assumptions mentioned
above, it is straightforward to show that group-time average treatment
effects are identified. For instance, when one impose the parallel
trends assumption based on “never-treated units”, we have that, for all
t ≥ g ATT(g, t) = E[Yt − Yg − 1|G = g] − E[Yt − Yg − 1|C = 1].
Alternatively, when one impose the parallel trends assumption based on
“not-yet-treated units”, we have that, for all t ≥ g ATT(g, t) = E[Yt − Yg − 1|G = g] − E[Yt − Yg − 1|Dt = 0, G ≠ g].
These group-time average treatment effects are the building blocks of
understanding the effect of participating in a treatment in DiD designs
with multiple time periods.
Parallel Trends Conditional on Covariates
In many cases, the parallel trends assumption is substantially more
plausible if it holds after conditioning on observed pre-treatment
covariates. In other words, if the parallel trends assumptions are
modified to be
Conditional Parallel Trends Assumption based on never-treated
units For all g = 2, ..., 𝒯, t = 2, ..., 𝒯 with t ≥ g, E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|X, G = g] = E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|X, C = 1]
Parallel Trends Assumption based on not-yet treated
units For all g = 2, ..., 𝒯, s, t = 2, ..., 𝒯 with t ≥ g and s ≥ t E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|X, G = g] = E[Yt(0) − Yt − 1(0)|X, Ds = 0, G ≠ g]
These parallel trends assumptions are the conditional analogues of
previous ones. Importantly, they allow for covariate-specific trends in
outcomes across groups, which can be particularly important in setups
where the distribution of covariates varies across groups.
An example of a case where this assumption is attractive is one where
a researcher is interested in estimating the effect of participating in
job training on earnings. In that case, if the path of earnings (in the
absence of participating in job training) depends on things like
education, previous occupation, or years of experience (which it almost
certainly does), then it would be important to condition on these types
of variables in order to make parallel trends more credible.
In this case, the parameter of interest is still often the ATT(g, t)′s
(or their aggregation). It is still straightforward to identify and
estimate the ATT in this case.
Basically, one needs to estimate the change in outcomes for units in the
untreated group conditional on X, but average out X over the distribution of
covariates for individuals in group g to obtain ATT(g, t)
(see Callaway
and Sant’Anna (2021) and references therein for many more details).
In practice, you can use different approaches to recover these
parameters. More precisely, you can estimate the ATT(g, t)′s
using outcome-regressions, inverse probability weighting, or
doubly-robust methods. But the did package automates
all of this for the user.
Aggregating Group-Time Average Treatment Effects
Group-time average treatment effects are natural parameters to
identify in the context of DiD with multiple periods and multiple
groups. But in many applications, there may be a lot of them. There are
some benefits and costs here. The main benefit is that it is relatively
straightforward to think about heterogeneous effects across groups and
time using group-time average treatment effects. On the other hand, it
can be hard to summarize them (e.g., they are not just a single
In our paper, Callaway and
Sant’Anna (2021), “Difference-in-Differences with Multiple Time
Periods”, we propose a number of ways to aggregate group-time
average treatment effects. Here, we will just consider a few important
ones that we think applied researchers are most often interested in.
First, consider the average effect of participating in the treatment,
separately for each group. This is given by
\theta_S(g) = \frac{1}{\mathcal{T} - g + 1} \sum_{t=2}^{\mathcal{T}}
\mathbf{1}\{g \leq t\} ATT(g,t).
This parameter may be of interest in its own right, since it allows
one to highlight treatment effect heterogeneity with respect to
treatment adoption period. Furthermore, it is fairly straightforward to
further aggregate θS(g)
to get an easy-to-interpret overall effect parameter,
\theta^O_S := \sum_{g=2}^{\mathcal{T}} \theta_S(g) P(G=g).
is the overall effect of participating in the treatment across all
groups that have ever participated in the treatment. In our view, this
is close to being a multi-period analogue of the ATT in the two
period case. Thus, if a researcher is constrained to report a single
treatment effect summary parameter, we recommend reporting θSO.
In DiD setups with multiple periods, it is natural to ask “How does
treatment effects vary with elapsed treatment time?” Here, note that
researchers are interested in understanding treatment effect dynamics.
This is at the heart of event-study-type of analysis that is widespread
in applied work.
In this case, a natural way to aggregate the group-time average
treatment effect to highlight treatment effect dynamics is given by
\theta_D(e) := \sum_{g=2}^{\mathcal{T}} \mathbf{1} \{ g + e \leq
\mathcal{T} \} ATT(g,g+e) P(G=g | G+e \leq \mathcal{T}).
This is the average effect of participating in the treatment for the
group of units that have been exposed to the treatment for exactly e time periods.
All of these aggregations are available in the did
package and examples with real data are available in our Getting Started with the did
Package vignette. In Callaway and
Sant’Anna (2021), we also discuss additional aggregation schemes. We
encourage you to take a look!
Kirill, and Xavier Jaravel. “Revisiting Event Study Designs”. Available
at SSRN 2826228 (2018)
Brantly, and Pedro H. C. Sant’Anna. “Difference-in-differences with
multiple time periods.” Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2,
pp. 200-230, 2021.
de Chaisemartin,
Clement, and Xavier d’Haultfoeuille. “Two-way fixed effects estimators
with heterogeneous treatment effects.” American Economic Review 110.9
(2020): 2964-96.
Andrew. Difference-in-differences with variation in treatment timing.”
Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 254-277, 2021
Michelle, and Pedro H. C. Sant’Anna. “The Role of Parallel Trends in
Event Study Settings: An Application to Environmental Economics”.
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists,
Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 235-275, 2021
Liyang, and Sarah Abraham. “Estimating dynamic treatment effects in
event studies with heterogeneous treatment effects.” Journal of
Econometrics, Vol. 225, No. 2, pp. 175-199, 2021